Trying Veganuary


I’ve been a vegetarian for most of my adult life, but as much as I admire vegans and sell mainly vegan products, it is not for me, not until there is a vast improvement in vegan cheese, at least! But here’s the thing: as my brand name suggests, being green is about making choices that…

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Simple ways for you create a more Eco friendly Christmas

Christmas Tree

Christmas is a wonderful time of year when people love getting together and celebrating. But now more than ever, people are concerned about their impact on the environment this celebration causes. There are many easy ways that changes can be made so that is still a time of year to celebrate without the environmental impact.…

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Why being ethical should still matter today


The Cambridge Dictionary describes ethics as “a system of accepted beliefs that control behaviour especially such a system based on morals”. In today’s world, everything is completed, or seems to be, at a high pace speed. There are always new ideas and products being found. Social media seems to be everywhere and the younger generation…

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