How can you save money by swapping to eco?

Blog saving money with eco

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, I can assure you that it is not; there are lots that you can do which will actually save you money and here are just a few of them.

For those of us who still need to use a car, me included, the next time you need to visit a petrol station don’t fill your car up totally. Why? Well, a heavier car does fewer miles per gallon / litre than a lighter car. So reversing this fact, the lighter it is the further it will go. This will save the amount of fossil fuel (ie petrol) you are burning and subsequently will save you money too.

We all love a cup of tea or coffee, me I drink loads of coffee (random fact – I went off tea when I was pregnant 30 years ago and even the smell of it now makes me feel ill!!) Don’t fill the kettle up, only use the amount you need. Otherwise, you are using energy for something you will not use ie lots of hot water rather than a mug or 2 that you may need at the time.

Speaking of kettles, allowing limescale to build up actually makes the kettle less efficient as it costs more to run it. The cheapest way to get rid of limescale is using a lemon! Cut a couple of slices off a lemon and pop it in the kettle, boil up the kettle and if possible leave overnight. Rinse out in the morning and the limescale should have disappeared!!

Are you someone who buys a coffee on the go? If you are, invest in an eco mug. Yes, there is the initial investment (£15 ish) but most coffee shops nowadays give you a discount if you provide your own mug. So just remember to wash it when you get home and take it back out with you and you are saving all those disposable coffee cups and lids!

Support your local charity shops. Did you know that it takes about 20,000 litres of water to create enough cotton to make a pair of jeans and a tee shirt? Buy second-hand clothes, this saves you money and water!

Turn off power sockets when you are not using the item. Having things still switched on or on standby still uses electricity.

Batch cook when you can. If you are using the oven for 1 thing, can you use it for something else at the same time? Or if you are making something, make another at the same time and pop it in the freezer. This will save you time and power (i.e. money) to have to cook from scratch again.

White vinegar is an amazing product, with lots of uses! It can remove rust, clean windows which would be left smear-free, removes limescale off of showers, taps and anything else which has water running through it.

There are many other simple ways that you can tweak your lifestyle and become eco and save money.

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or check out my the rest of my blog for more tips and ideas to help you along your way.

A healthier world does start at home.